More Unani Medicines
The Hamdard speciality for the regulation of menstrual cycle. Tones up nerves
and establishes healthy menstrual functions. A uterine tonic of great value.
Brings back the lustre on face and makes appearance beautiful.
Regulates menstrual flow and relieves painful condition such as pain the
limbs, tension and headache.
Supari Pak
It is a most efficacious preparation for excessive menstruation and leucorrhoea,
useful for pain in the joints and the back, increases retentive power
of the uterus in women and semen viscosity in males, also improves male
Hamdoroid (ointment and capsules)
A stronger, more effective double line treatment for piles. Relieves pain,
itching and reduces swelling. Stops heavy bleeding and cures swelling
of moles and heals the wounds fast.
An effective remedy for diabetes. Strengthens the kidneys and the bladder.
Checks Polyuria and urine sugar.