Protect the body from the damaging effect of free radicals
Oxidel is a new Herbal Concept in Anti-Oxidant, first time introduced in India. Antioxidants are substances, which scavenge excess free radicals generated, and prevent their damaging effect. Vitamins like Vitamin E and C and the provitamin A (Beta carotene) are powerful reducing agents, which rapidly neutralize oxidative free radicals.
Oxidel Capsules comprises of extracts of selected natural herbs, which are rich source of Vitamin A, C, E, & helps in neutralizing free radicals. It decreases the risk of Coronary heart diseases by reducing cholesterol, improves blood circulation help in reducing blood pressure & bring Diabetes under control. It plays protective role against harmful effects of pollution & Cigarette Smoking.
These capsules have very positive effect in inflammatory diseases and have got anti ageing effects also.
Composition :
Each Capsule contains Extracts of: -
Emblica Officinalis
100 mg.
Psidium Guvajava
50 mg.
Spinacia Oleracea
100 mg.
Daucas Carota
100 mg.
Gossypium Herbaccum
100 mg.
Allium Sativam
50 mg.
Triticum Aestivum Oil
0.09 ml.
Emblica Officinalis; it is the best source of herbal vitamin -C.
Psidium Guvajava; it is a good source of vitamin C & B complex.
Spinacia Oleracia; very good source of minerals & vitamin A. Also have B complex, vitamin C & K.
Daucas Carota; very good source of Vitamin A. Also has vitamin B & C.
Gossypium Herbaccum; has vitamin A, B, C, D & E and also contains mineral.
Allium Sativum; used as Tonic & is a well-known Anti Oxidant. Helps in reducing cholesterol level.
Triticum Aestivum; it is the best source of vitamin E. Also contains vitamin A & B
* Free radicals are reactive chemicals containing one or more unpaired electrons, which are produced in the body both deliberately and as a by-product in day-to-day metabolic processes.
* Deliberate production of free radicals ensures protection against foreign invaders leading to disease state.
* They cause tissue damage, compromise the immune systems, and play a role in ageing.
* By damaging DNA, they can cause cancer and lead to birth defects.
* During ageing, disease conditions, improper dietary intake; our body's defence mechanism is inadequate to remove excess free radicals generated.
Salient Features: In Cardiovascular Diseases
* Antioxidant especially vitamin. E & carotenoids help to reduce risk of coronary heart diseases.
* Vitamin. E and other antioxidants protect LDI from oxidation and decreases the risk of coronary heart diseases.
In Circulatory Diseases
* It increase HDL (High Derivative Lipoproprotein) and reduces LDL (Low Derivative Lipoproprotein)
* Vitamin. E has beneficial role in improving circulation & in patients with arteriosclerosis.
* Vitamin. E is a proven adjunct in claudication of occlusive arterial diseases of the leg. It prevents muscular cramps.
In Cancer
* Antioxidant reduces the risk of cancer at many body sites.
* Vitamin. A, C, E have been beneficial in stomach cancer, cancer of colon & lung cancer.
* Lower risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer was associated with increased intake of antioxidants.
* Prevent cancer from being malignant.
In Respiratory Disease
* Antioxidants play a protective role against harmful effect of pollution, toxins due to cigarette smoking.
* Vitamin. E & other antioxidant have protective effect against lung cancer.
In Inflammation Disease
* Antioxidant has positive effect in inflammatory bowel disease,
acute pancreatitis, sepsis, burn injuries and airway inflammation.
In Ageing
* Dietary supplementation with antioxidant can significantly effect age related changes in body tissue.
Side Effects Not reported so far.
Dosage One Capsule daily in morning with milk or as directed by the physician
Presentation Pack of 30 Capsules.